

Comprising of “medium fast feet movements” is a Southeast European dance form known as Adana. This “traditional” dance is supposed to have originated from a town called Veles located in the Republic of Macedonia. This style of dancing is mainly performed by males. Furthermore, this dance essential comprises of medium fast feet movements.

A. History/origin of Adana:

 There is no information available regarding history/origin of this dance style.

B. Costumes used in the Adana:

The costume worn by a performer (mainly a male) includes a long sleeve shirt, a long trouser, a pair of dancing boots, and a black cap.

C. Music involved in the Adana:

The major musical instrument used in this dance style is the gajda i.e. a form of bagpie.

D. Training availability and technique involved in the Adana:

In terms of technique, the performers (mainly males) in this dance initially hold each other at the shoulder. Furthermore, as the rhythm of the dance increases the performers then switch from the shoulder and hold hands. As for training centers/schools, there are none available around the world since this “traditional” dance is performed mainly in Macedonia.

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