

“Filled with energy” would be the ideal way to describe an African dance known as Kuduro. This highly “energetic” dance is said to have originated from Angola in southern Africa. Apparently, this dance style is rhythmically similar to yet another “Angolian” dance called “Kizomba”. Furthermore, a musician called Toni Amado has claimed to be the creator of this dance, by stating that it was the Jean Claude Van Damme movie “Kickboxer” that actually inspired him to do so.

a. History/origin of the Kuduro:

It was the creation of a musical genre called “Kuduro” in Angola during the 1980’s that then led to the development of this dance style. It was said that many music producers during the 80’s in Angola had begun mixing beats such as “zouk” and “soca” to create a brand of music then called “Batida”. It was around this time that electronic music was gaining popularity in the west. This rise of electronic music in the western world then resulted in producers in Angola introducing elements of electronic music into the Batida, which eventually led to the creation of a completely new musical genre which was then called “Kuduro”. Furthermore, during this period there was a lot of unrest among the youth in the country, who instantly embraced this music and dance genre with open arms to cope with the bitter realities they were facing. This resulted in this dance form gaining popularity throughout the country.  In addition, it was also during this period that the country witnessed an increase in migration of a large number of people to Portugal. It was then this migration that led to this dance form gaining popularity, and evolving further in Lisbon, the capital of Portugal.

b. Costumes used in the Kuduro:

There is no particular costume worn by the dancers performing this dance style.

c. Music involved in the Kuduro:

Music possessing “elements of Batida, zouk, soca, and techno house” is what is used for this dance style. Furthermore, the musical instruments mainly used include electronic gadgets such as the drum machine and personal computer.

d. Training availability and technique involved in the Kuduro:

In terms of technique, this dance basically involves a lot of “breakdancing” movements. In addition, it also involves a step in which the performer is required to fall on his/her bottom while at the same time clap hands. As for training schools/centres, there are a few available around the world for all those interested in learning this “energetic Angolian dance”.

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