

Leventikos is a traditional Macedonian folk dance also commonly referred to as “Litos, Kucano, Neso, and Bufskoto Oro”. Furthermore, this dance style is also popular in a town called Florina located in Greece. In addition, this dance style is based a “slow-quick-quick-slow-quick” tempo.

A. History/origin of Leventikos dance:

This Southeast European dance form is said to have originated from the regions such as Resen and Bitola located in western Macedonia.




B. Costumes used in the Leventikos dance:

The costume used in this dance varies according to the gender as follows:

1. For men:

The attire worn will include a grey long sleeve shirt, a black trouser, a pair of socks, a pair of shoes, and a cap.

2. For women:

The attire worn will include a colourful/white long dress, a pair of socks, a pair of shoes, and an elaborate headgear.

C. Music involved in the Leventikos dance:

The musical instrument mainly used in this dance style is the “Gajda” i.e. a bagpipe.

D. Training availability and technique involved in the Leventikos dance:

In terms of technique, the dancers initially arrange themselves in a circle. Furthermore, they then hold hands and slowly lift one leg at a time and move around the circle. In addition, the performers in this dance style use a “slow-quick-quick-slow-quick” tempo. As for training centers/school, there are none available around the world since this “traditional” dance is mainly performed in Macedonia and Greece.

E. Some videos of the Leventikos dance:

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