

“Hurrying dance” is the literal translation of a Southeast European form of dancing known as Potrculka. This “traditional” dance is said to have originated from a town called Kocani located in the Republic of Macedonia. Furthermore, this dance is mainly performed by women, and comprises of “medium fast movements”. In addition, this dance is performed to a 2/4 rhythm.

A. History/origin of the Portculka:

There is no information available related to the history/origin of this dance style which has basically originated from a town called Kocani located in Republic of Macedonia.

B. Costumes used in the Portculka:

The costume used in the dance style varies according to the gender as follows:

1. For males:

The attire worn includes a long sleeve shirt, a black trouser, belt, a red cloth tied around the waist, a pair of shoes, and a headgear.

2. For females:

The attire worn includes a white long sleeve shirt, belt, a long black skirt, an apron, a pair of shoes, and a headgear.

C. Music involved in the Portculka:

The musical instrument mainly used in this dance style is the “Gajda” i.e. a bagpipe.

D. Training availability and technique involved in the Portculka:

In terms of technique, the performers in this dance initially arrange themselves in a half circle. Furthermore, they then hold their belts and place the left hand over the right, and begin dancing to the rhythm of the accompanying music. In addition, this dance involves the performer using medium fast feet movements, and also taking small steps and making a small jump. As for training centers/schools, there are none available around the world since this “traditional” dance is mainly performed in Macedonia.

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